Monday, May 18, 2009

Driving to Speeding

Life is like a playground, why don't we enjoy ourselves to the fullest while we can?

Driving in PD tp Lukut area at midnight is a fun experience.
There are little cars, so, the road is almost yours, you can drive so fast that you feel scare that you may lose control of your vehicles.
Yes, PD have good straight roads where your speed meter can reach 120km/h. Just do you have the courage? The courage to speed, and some say the courage to risk your life.
And some answered, ' There is no life-risking if you got the skill'. Well, some really have the skills, others are either dead or involved in car accidents.
So, the question is, should we try this dangerous act of speeding?

One night, there were 2 modified cars with good pick up just speeded off in front of me, damn, i kalah teruk....
So, i said i will buy a car with great engine someday and show them some colours.
As soon as i have the money, i'll get myself a nice car, outlaw racers, watch out!
But, don't worry, i am not to stupid to not to pratise first before doing anything dangerous.
As the saying goes,' A car is a man's second wife', i totally agree with it.


  1. tsuk tsuk tsuk....u drive damn fast stil kalah...aizz...pratice more la har...hahaha...=)

  2. Wat drive so fast, i drive vry slow dy loh...
    Wait, one day....ONE DAY...

  3. Ok lo.. i wait... V all wait...
    Wait the ONE DAY... blek!!
